Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Tragedy Explained!

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Tragedy Explained!

Samsung finally reveals why Samsung Galaxy Note 7 kept on exploding. After months of silence following a global recall of its Note 7 smartphone, Samsung announced its lengthy findings as to what caused the batteries to explode.

 The South Korean electronics giant said that it was a bad battery design and a rush to release an updated version of the phone caused some of the devices to overheat and explode, leading to a huge black eye to Samsung's reputation.

The short answer is that the Note 7's battery was too large for the casing of the phone, which caused overheating. Samsung then switched to a battery from a different supplier. Even after this, the batteries kept on exploding. After months of investigation it was found that the battery had a defect that caused it to overheat.

Samsung then released the following images which explains the reason for exploding.

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